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Position:Home>Dancing> What age do u hav to be to get pointe shoes.?


What age do u hav to be to get pointe shoes.?

I no theres a certain age for when you have to get them since you feet havent fully developed until.... and thats the age u say. And if it depends or if it varies just give me like between what and what. Give me a writen answer plz.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, I have read this question all over the place, and responses makes me laugh because honestly it all depends on you.
I would suggest a teacher recommendation based on your ability and strength. I don't believe it has to do anything with age, because I got my first pair at six years old.
Just make sure that you're physically ready for it. Age is not a factor and neither is waiting until your bones fully develop, because they wont until you're in your 20's.
Some people may say starting at a young age is bad, yet I did and my feet don't happen to be deformed in any way what-so-ever.
Everyone is different.