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Position:Home>Dancing> Is there any free dance lessons online??


Is there any free dance lessons online??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think you are going to find too many instances of free dance lessons on line. There are a few good reasons for that. One is that dance itself is a social activity. It's a form of communication(whether it be to another person or to a Deity) and it's also meant in some was to be a fun discipline. Another reason is because if you learn techniques in dance incorrectly and continue to do them. You can risk injury. It is best to have an knowledgeable teacher in front of you watching your every move and (hopefully) lovingly correcting in a manner that gives you good habits as you move along. There are many adaptations they may need to be made for your body depending on age, size, flexibility, strengths, weaknesses, and injury that you should be able to talk to an instructor about and get quick useful informative answer about.