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Position:Home>Dancing> Im in 6th grade, got any ideas for dances that I can put together??


Im in 6th grade, got any ideas for dances that I can put together??

not to "Bad" or Goody"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Depends wat song is it and wat kind of musicT ry Famous/classic dances like

Crip walk
Hand Jive
Trip hop (My classic made it up)
70's dances

i dont kno but this site can help u :

I dont kno wat I can do 2 help, but I'm a dancer, therefore I can help; ill have 2 kno wat song and wat kind of music it is. U'll have 2 let me kno and send me an email or something. But ill b glad 2 help though. Make it look intresting though. Add turns, footwork, poping, alittle salsa n tango or anything like that. A way that can help is by looking at music videos or movies with a lot of dancing in it like Missy Elliot's - Loose Controll or High School Musical. Wat really gets the crowds attention is if each a dancer has a partner and both of them work together to preform the move. I hope this works!
