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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> A short tribute to the Great Penfoldio. Did he go to Y!Heaven?


A short tribute to the Great Penfoldio. Did he go to Y!Heaven?

The bravest Y!Hombre this side of Suffolk
The first man on Fluffin's Moon d-54
What happened, where did you go?
Have you moved on to greener pastures my friend?
Were you taken away to a secret Yoolag?
Speaking of green,
How have your teeth been?

Additional Details

3 days ago
The squoiles in the left hemisphere and the beavers in the right. Available to play bar-mitzvahs, weddings and Y!Funerals

3 days ago
Maybe if I grew my hair like Todd's, yahoo police would quit ripping the virtual carpeting out of my virtual lowrider man...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
The squoiles in the left hemisphere and the beavers in the right. Available to play bar-mitzvahs, weddings and Y!Funerals