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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think German citizens thought it was some crazy conspiracy theory that Hi


Do you think German citizens thought it was some crazy conspiracy theory that Hitler was killing Jews?

I bet the people that tried to tell the good people of Germany that Hitler was evil and was killing Jewish citizens were the tin foil hat wearers of their day.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Nahhhh.....I can't agree with ya on this one.

You had people forced to wear yellow stars (Jews) and pink triangles (homosexuals) on their outer clothing for identification.

You had Nazi's round up Jews, some Catholics and homosexuals and shipping them to death camps in cattle cars.

You had Jewish businesses forced to smashed....people beaten on the streets.....

You had some ordinary German citizens working in the death camps....and you think that most ordinary citizens thought it was only some urban legend? They read "der Fuhrer's" speeches in the newspaper....heard his rants on the radio...saw the marches through the streets.

No way. Maybe they couldn't stop it.....but they knew. They don't get a pass from me on this one.
