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Would anyone read a book about the following?

I wrote a book about this power struggle between a group of witches called the Sorceresses and Sorcerers and their 'government,' the Elders. It's full of love and sex and stuff like that. It's very little action in the beginning, but I think it's great when you get into it. It also has a very sexy cover. It's called _Lucky Number 7_. Would you buy it if you saw it on a shelf?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i like reading books like that as lnog as its not harry potter latin style magic, you have be careful though as there are similar books about one author Kelley Armstrong writes a lot of this type of book
i'd probably read it, what decides it for me is the way its written, charactrisation thats if its good if i read it its usually the bit on the back that draws me in or makes me put it down

if its an original idea and you think its your best writing then why worry what others think there is bound to be a market if you want to get it published