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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think Advertisers and Artists make the best use of space?


Do you think Advertisers and Artists make the best use of space?

They could use a powerful light to project the images on to sides of buildings and walls. It would only need a small torchlike device but the image would seem huge when it is projected.
They could use one of those swinging pendants that appear to show the time floating in mid air. If you had more colours and pixels in a bigger pendant and they changed very swiftly as it swung across you could have Artwork that would float in mid air.
It would be possible to use fog as a canvass to project Laser beam images onto. It is even possible to project lasers onto clouds and a more complex array of Lasers could use flat cloud cover for their Art.

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2 weeks ago
Thanks niles7, I would like to have seen those projections

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Thanks niles7, I would like to have seen those projections