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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Hey everyone about your Yahoo mail listen up important?


Hey everyone about your Yahoo mail listen up important?

Male sure you celan out your yahoo mail box whe it becomes to full you will not get anymore emails coming to you because it is over a certain amount I had not dleted onetime 12800 emails and I noticed I was not getting any outside emails from othe buddies dlete your old mail or no one can email you just so you all know thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ~~~ Thanks for the reminder Rena. I've been meaning to do that tedious chore for some time now,but I keep getting sidetracted. When ever I see that Web Search thing on my mail page I can't help but ask it a question. That takes alot of time, then I forget what I was doing.....deleting Emails. I delete Bulk Mail as it comes in, so there's no problem there. Well,I guess I better get busy doing a bunch of deleting, just to be safe. If something screwed up my access to my mail I wouldn't be too happy bout it, especially if it was all my fault for being lazy. And yes.....there is too something Philosophical about your question or statement.. I see it and recognize it, but I'm not telling! Let them figure it out on there own. ~~~