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I need a really powerful introduction to the holocaust - any ideas?

So, I'm doing this project and I'm writing an introduction at the moment on the Holocaust. It's such a powerful subject and along with that I want a really effective introduction.
Any ideas?
And also, if you are an expert on the Holocaust or know any interesting facts then please let me know!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You could begin with a story, written perhaps in first person, about a variety of things that evoke an empathetic response. Start by telling a story about a family packing to move their things to a Ghetto or perhaps the feelings of anxiety that a person is going through as she stands in line to enter the shower, not knowing if it will be cold water or gas.

Additionally, you could discuss the steps it takes to demoralize or degrade a human and explain how the Germans put this plan into effect.

Here's an interesting fact many don't know:

Do you know what the first thing the Jews were forbidden to have once they were relocated to Ghettos?