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About spell check and Instant Messaging text?

I have answered many questions from aspiring writers in this category and one thing has really struck home. Misspellings and IM characters seem to permeate their queries.
Please take this as constructive criticism. Make sure that your words are spelled correctly and that you use proper grammar. If you expect your queries to be taken seriously you need to write correctly. I assure you that professional editors and publishers will not accept misspellings, IM text and poor grammar.
Don't think that I'm some English teacher on a mission, I learned my lesson the hard way.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Amen to that!

Can I further add that these aspiring writers need to also learn that it is NOT an editor's job to correct every mistake made? Editors are there to do the final polishing and catch errors you missed in personal editing. I really wish some of these aspiring writers were more interested in accepting constructive criticism and taking themselves more seriously.