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Harry related to Gryffindor?

Ok, I've wondered for a little bit now if it was possible that Harry might be related to Godric Gryffindor. I've thought that Voldemort would be more likely to want to go after a descendant of Gryffindor's due to his being the last heir to Slytherin. Slytherin left Hogwarts after an arguement he and Gryffindor had. Gryffindor believed anyone should be allowed to attend Hogwarts while Slytherin only wanted only wanted to teach the pure-bloods. Voldemort may well have viewed his ansector as being the better of the two due to how he felt about his own heritage and probably held a grudge against Gryffindor and his descendants. So he may have selected an heir of Gryffindor as his equal. Yes, he picked the half-blood Harry rather than the pure blood neville, but what if he picked him because he is Gryffindor's heir?

Additional Details

3 days ago
And in "Chamber of Secrets" Dumbledore tells Harry only a true Gryffindor could have pulled Gryffindor's sword from the sorting hat, thus proving he belonged in Gryffindor. The way he said it seems to have meant anyone in Gryffindor could have drawn the sword from the hat. But what if he really meant someone descended from Gryffindor?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
And in "Chamber of Secrets" Dumbledore tells Harry only a true Gryffindor could have pulled Gryffindor's sword from the sorting hat, thus proving he belonged in Gryffindor. The way he said it seems to have meant anyone in Gryffindor could have drawn the sword from the hat. But what if he really meant someone descended from Gryffindor?