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Money can buy you a Position......But not Respect - do people really want respect?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Apparently many people do want respect. This makes me laugh. They demand what they do not themselves demonstrate.

I respect automatically, that is to say, I do not dismiss anyone or anything, but look again. The least child can amaze me with a casual and unprecedented insight; the slightest woman can pull a whimsical trigger; any buzzing insect can distract a speeding motorist.

The point is, respect is an active routine IN ME. No one 'earns' my respect. That kid, that woman, that bug are given heed because I'd be a damned fool to pretend I know their limits, let alone their plans.

Seem a little paranoid? It isn't. I'm just prepared for the unexpected. Sometimes the unexpected is delicious.

Do I expect 'respect?' No, not often. Most people already know everything about everybody and everything, twice! They measure the universe with a single masterful glance.

I'm in awe of such wisdom, of course, but I must muddle along, respectfully ignorant of the future.