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American Revolution - HELP!?

In seeking diplomatic recognition from foreign powers during the War for Independence (I'm assuming he means American Revolution), the American government found it necessary to

A) make large financial payments to the governments of France, Spain, and Holland
B) promise to cede large tracts of American territory to France upon a victorious conclusion of war
C) demonstrate its financial stability and self-sufficency
D) demonstrate a determination and potential to win independence
E) agree to grant France a specially favored trading status

I think it's D but it doesn't sound like a factual, history answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: D.
Is correct.
a-The US did not have any money at the time of the revolt.
b- Why fight for something then give it away.
c- They would first have to control the country to do this.
e- This might have made it a fighting war between England and france.