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Objection to Stamp Act?

The primary American objection to the Stamp Act was that

A) It was an internal tax, whereas Americans were prepared to accept only external taxes

B) it was the first tax of any kind ever imposed by Britain on the colonies

C) it proposed tax rates were so high that they would have crippled the colonial economy

D) it was a measure for raising revenue from the colonies but it had not been approved by the colonists through their representatives

E) it constituted an unwarrented interference with the colonial economy in a manner that would have greatly restrained free trade

I think it's D but I'm not positive! I basically ruled out A and B and E?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: D

Have you ever heard of "no taxation without representation"? The colonists were mad that Parliament, who imposed the tax only "virtually represented" the colonists. Not one colonist voted yes or no to any Member of Parliament (MP). That caused them to be angry because in a democracy change can only be had if someone can vote someone out of office.

In the end, Parliament voted to stop forcing the tax.