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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How much are our enemies/failures due to our own perception?


How much are our enemies/failures due to our own perception?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To me, everything is perception. Everything comes to you in a clean, neutral state when you first encounter it. How you react to, and perceive the person/object/situation will determine the reaction and results of the encounter.

Proof of this can be seen in very young children. An open flame can be a dangerous thing to them. Helping them safely to see it as a source of nourishment, warmth, and comfort will enhance their perception that fire can be a good thing. Letting them discover it for themselves will likely leave them burned, scarred, and afraid of it for their lifetime. Even being singed a lesson of respect is learned from it's heat.

Often we can find hope and renewal in failure or even great disaster. It is important to see the many facets of a person or situation so you can have an equally multi-faceted and clean perception of the world around you.