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So many egyptian... why no one speak the egyptian language?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The original Egyptian language, and literacy in hieroglyphycs, passed out of use by 500 BC. Herodotus visited Egypt in 400 BC and met Egyptian priests who claimed to iknow how to read hieroglyphics. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt about 333 BC, and after that, his general Ptolemy occupied and ruled the country as king, pharoah. The Egyptians learned Greek. After the conquest and occupation by Julius Caesar, Octavius, and the Romans, the Greco-Romanization of Egypt was complete. About AD 200, a Greco-Romano-Egyptian named Manetho consulted Egyptian priests who claimed to be able to read hieroglyphics. He divided the pharoahs into 20 or 30 dynasties, saying which were the rulers of each, and which came and went, started and ended each dynasty.