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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Imagine there was Irrefutable evidence that there was NO GOD...?


Imagine there was Irrefutable evidence that there was NO GOD...?

Some piece of evidence that put the issue beyond question and arguement..
Do you think it would make the slightest difference to the middle east for example. Would it stop islamic extreemists?
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make any, and people would still believe in their Gods. Some would say such evidence already existed. what do you think......

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well Flanders tore up Homer's proof when he became so brainy, he managed to prove the non-existence of God!!!!! Yeah, people would probably still believe in their gods. After all, there is scientific proof (not to mention lots of old bones) that dinosaurs roamed the planet and people still believe in Adam and Eve (and a few animals) being the first on the planet.