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Is my poem any good? any tips and help appreciated im not much of a writer...?

ok well im not really much of a writer i write every once in a while when something is really been on my mind so if its not good its cause i dont write much so im glad for help and tips anyone has can anyone help with a title please? here it is:
(title needed)
I feel so lost...
things never seem to make sense
I try to understand but I can't
so I just think back on everything
and I go back in my mind
to a place that I can't seem to remember
things are perfect here
no worries or troubles
just me and all the memories
from long ago, forgotten and
almost completely erased
I'm so happy here
when I'm anywhere else things are tough
and I just don't know what to do
but in this place
in my mind only known by me
I think I'm starting to understand things
which now seem so simple
but with the blink of an eye I realize
it was not reality I was just
caught up in the tangles
of my mind, I was
lost in a place that doesn't exist...

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2 weeks ago
btw when i said i wasnt much of a writer i wasnt putting myself down its not that i think im a bad writer so im not much of a writer just meant i dont write much : )

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
btw when i said i wasnt much of a writer i wasnt putting myself down its not that i think im a bad writer so im not much of a writer just meant i dont write much : )