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What is the motivation for helping?

Imagine a utopian world in which all people are happy and healthy & hav satisfying relationships. There is neither illness nor death. Because everyone is satisfied, healthy and happy, there is no social disorder and no need for any helping profession: no police, doctors, nurses, lawyers or socila workers. Neither is there need for moral discernment. Now imagine the social disorder that would follow the introduction of serious disease. Individuals who become ill are unable to care for themselves and to meet their own basic needs.
>How does society deal with this problem?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The motivation for helping comes through the troubles and problems of others. That is how our world became what it is now. Learning comes through our problems and with no problems, the so called "utopian world" will only be filled with lifeless dolls, since the knowledge we have now has only evolved through trial and error.

??Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.?? –Albert Einstein