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Poem: Screaming Silent (please let me know what you think)?

I'm not sure what's going on with me these days, none of the poems I'm writing are very alike. I'm not sure what I think about this one. It's a bit different from my usual stuff...let me know if it works.

Screaming Silent

The wind became my voice
when no one else would speak
for me. I learned its secrets
made them mine.

Storing fury beneath
a fragile calm. Learning
to walk in the ways of the invisible,
the hidden. Filling
my lungs with the chill, soft
resistance. Waiting for the voice
to come,
to resonate;
the thunder,
the release,
the power

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As a poet; I liked it, quite a bit...
I admire the way you didn't feel the need to try to rhyme using "resonate". I always speed read or scan a poem first, before settling down to try to appreciate it. Some words leap out and I fully expected to see "contemplate" or "irritate" used to balance "resonate".
You held your nerve well. It all sits together.

As a singer; I loved it...
It sums up, rather nicely I thought, the feeling I get when playing a challenging vocal role. The thunder, and hinted at storm, being the full belt crescendo.
On that note (every possible pun intended) might I suggest an alternative title...?

"Silent, Still..."

Puts me in mind of Don Quixote actually...
Laying down the melancholy burden of sanity...