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Harry Potter #3 Question!?

I'm just wondering, in the 3rd book, when Sirius and Lupin team together to kill Wormtail, but Harry stops them, why didn't they use the full body bind on Wormtail like Hermione used on Neville in the first book? The vines were useless, because they knew that Wormtail would escape when they weren't looking. That wouldn't have happened if they used the full body bind, because he wouldn't have been able to move! Yes, I know I'm too obsessed about the books, but I read them in a day or two I love rereading books!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really like your thinking pattern i have literally read the books more than 20 times a piece in the six years I have had them. And I ALWAYS wonder the same thing. Or even an unbreakable jar as a rat. There are some small inconsistencies that i let slide.