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Is Demian fictionaly based on Hesse's life?

I've heard somewhere that when the book(Demian) was first published in the U.S., he(Hesse) went by the pseudonym Emil Sinclair. So I was wondering whether the book is like a short fictional story about the author himself. I know that authors in cooperate their life into the books they write in one way or another, but could this be a more...accurate? representation of Hesse's life? Like a fictional autobiography, if your still lost as to what I'm trying to say. What do yo think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i dont think it is a fictional autobigraphy or anything near it. i havent read the book but i searched on a couple of sights including sparknotes and found nothing of that sort.

Why do u think so... It is only written that inthis book

Influences from Hesse's personal life, world affairs, and intellectual currents all pointed in the same direction. Hesse melds these influences into a compelling tale that explores fundamental questions about what it means to grow up and how best to lead one's life. - sparknotes