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Reality and determining what's real?

As people we generally accept the world we live around. Why? It's the only thing we've experienced. But what if there's more? Like a fish in a lake, to them there is no reality that things exist above the water, or what a planet is. What if this life is a show, or a dream? What if you're the only one who truely exists, while everything you see and feel, and all the people around you are just in your mind. For all you know you could be in a coma and made this whole place up, or whatever illness there could be in another reality.

My main question(or series of questions) is, can you ever be certain that this place, or reality is the one and true one? Or is there more, or are we experiencing a different kind of reality? Do you think this place is not what it seems?

(I'm assuming NO ONE has an 100% correct answer. I'd like to know personal belief. :] )

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Absolutely-I have always believed, even as a child, that all is a manufactured creation of one's mind. Remember the Carol King song, "Only love is real, everything else an illusion..."
We are energy fields and there are a multitude of dimensions.