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Greek Dancing?

I'm in need of a good slow and easy greek dnace the only one I know is one my grandad taught me which goes 1 and 2 and 3 forwrds 4 and 5 and 6 backwards 7, 8, 9 to the right then to the left which I use for "Soma Mou" but want one that I can do thats the same and that can be used with the dance where the user have a hanky in their hand.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow.. this one is a challange. An "easy and slow" Greek dance huh? Most of them are very rhythmic and you dance them fast but..
Lets see.. try :
Teseris ke misi - Eleana Papaionau
Exo ponesei gi'autin' - Panos Kiamos