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Anyone like this story???

a 19-20 years old girl saw a masked man 'dumping' a baby( a few months old) in front of an orphanage...she ran after the masked man to ask for his identity but he just glared at her(which she would nvr forget) and ran off...she felt somehow there's a strange connection between her and the baby...she started visiting the baby everyday out of pity but they became inseparable...on the other hand, she was in a relaionship with a man(actually the baby's father but he doesnt know abt it because she didnt tell him abt the baby)...what do u think should happen next?? is this a good story?? i have already written this story half u think its a bit draggy?? would anyone read it???im just writing it for fun...

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
im planning to end this story in suspense...would that be good???

2 weeks ago
and can anyone give me ideas on how to lengthen the story without being draggy???

2 weeks ago
the masked man is actually her boyfriend...would that be nice???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
im planning to end this story in suspense...would that be good???