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Does anyone else really want to see a film interpretation of a "A Brave New World"?

I love this book as a tale of future dystopia. I have read it 3 times, as a child, teen, and adult and loved it for different reasons each time. I would love to see a film interpretation (I know what literary people are gonna say... Why ruin a good thing... blah blah) Why hasn't there been a movie made (that I know of). Why do you think Hollywood is afraid to tackle it? If so for what reasons (references to a certain motor

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Actually, there have been two versions of "Brave New World" filmed-- the 1998 TV moive version with Leonard Nimoy and the 1980 version with Ron O'Neal. I saw the latter and thought it was pretty good as an adaptation. It was nominated for two Emmy Awards; I think it was a mini series. Check out and type in "Brave New World" for a cast list, viewer ratings and comments on both versions. (Or type in Huxley as author, to weed out a couple of things titled "Brave New World" that aren't based on the book.)

Unfortunately, I'm not sure either is available on dvd but I hope you get a chance to see them both so you can form your own opinion of the film versions.