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I want to act!!?

hey guys i want to act any tips please help...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey!
Acting is an unique job, so you should do it with all your heart.
Try going to theater as often as you can and try to "steal" the technique that actors use on the stage to express various feelings, emotions and statements.
It is very important for an actor to have read a lot, because actors are supposed to be intelligent, smart and witty persons. So start reading a lot! (not only theater plays, but also novels, poetry, sketches... and hit for the important writers)
You could also start doing some diction exercises in order to improve the quality of your speech.
You can get involved in theater stuff (courses, maybe even drama clubs.... even if you don't earn money from this kind of activities). Try also going to castings. See what it feels like to play a part in front of a jury. It is very important that an actor controls his emotions on the stage, so try actually playing on a stage.
Trust yourself and never loose hope! You will sure be a rising star!
Good luck.