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WHY cant people do this?

stop making babies, or at least have one baby per couple? so many problems woulld be solved in the end, wont be overpopuated, no homelessness, no need to cut down trees and distroy nature, no starvation, no more global warming and so on. so why not just not have babies for some time? because of religion?? because it says in the bible that we should reproduce? should we do that until there is no space for ous to live? wolfs and fish keep their population down when there is not enough space or food, why cant we?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Great question... Star! Indeed the proliferation in numbers, especially in the third world poor countries, is one of the most basic and multifaceted problem as you have wonderfully elaborated.

Prevention is better than cure.... so it is better to have abortion than give birth to an unwanted child..... however, even better is to prevent conception itself.

There is a strange (and sad as well) correlation between the number of children and financial status..... poor families usually have more children and poor nations have usually bigger average family-size. Somehow, the religious taboos seem to impact poor people more than the rich...... perhaps the poor are more often than not ignorant and uneducated.

I believe that the most important thing is for parents to sincerely feel responsible for their children.....if every parent is mindful of the responsibility towards a child, both financial as well as otherwise, then perhaps very few would really go for any more than two children.

China is indeed on the right track. At the level of society and state, there ought to be stringent disincentives, both economical and social, to effectively discourage too many children...... I am not so sure whether one child per family is the ideal or not, but certainly more than two does not seem desirable at all. In democracies, such welfare oriented steps do not seem to impress the political class because these steps are often viewed as restrictive and unpopular....... and even if a sincere politician dares to talk of this, the religious leaders see an opportunity to browbeat him and increase their own influence in the society through emotional and sentimental propagation of religion. The reason why religion seems to end up misleading us, is the wrong hierarchy of priorities we place on the needs of body, mind and spirit.... we somehow seem to reverse the order of priority and cater to spirit even before and at the cost of the requirements of body and mind...... population control is a requirement of body and mind which must be met first before we begin to cater to the spiritual requirements. People seem to think that if we can not take care of our life here, let us at least secure our afterlife!!