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Ever heard of a book called "Masquerade"?

Years ago I remember looking at this book, which apparently was something to do with a treasure that was hidden in England. Any details or info ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Masqureade" by Kit Williams. The book is now out of print, and the treasure has been found (and lost) so to speak since it's debut in the early 80's. Kit made this book to become like a world wide treasure hunt. The rabbit in the story is sent off with a beautiful necklace. A gift from the Moon to the Sun. The Moon has fallen in love with the Sun. But along the way the necklace gets lost. You are supposed to look for clues in the pages, in the riddles and find the hidden pictures to solve the riddle. If you were the first person to find all the clues and send Kit a letter with the details (all the answers being correct) you could go and get this necklace for yourself. You could own it. It was valued at [$$$] at the time the book was released. A year later the riddle was solved and yes the necklace was found. Although the story has a sad ending, apparently the people who found the necklace cheated. There was also a later paperback printing of this book WITH the answers in the book. Since the jewel had already been found.