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Will somebody explain medieval dress to me?

Like for girls and guys what they would wear and what order it would go on, what colors it would be, if anyone would see it, what is more royal and what is more common? Stuff like that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Dress varies by country and by century, and certainly by social class. Colors were those that could be derived from plant or mineral sources. Muted. Red was a very hard color to get, expensive - which is why it was a royal color.

Here is a URL with links to several helpful websites to research the era.

One thing I can tell you... people did not bathe more than once a year, if that. So all fashions were very smelly fashions. LOL

Baths were always in the spring. It was called the spring sweetening, which is why people get married in the spring.... Who could get close enough the rest of the year?

There is a lot of fascinating stuff available about the middle ages. Not a good time for most folks...