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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anyone have a book suggestion for me based on the books I've read recently


Does anyone have a book suggestion for me based on the books I've read recently and enjoyed ?

They are : The Double Bind, The Kite Runner, My Sister's Keeper (though I didn't like the ending), The Secret Life of Bees...
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I LOVED the Kite Runner! He's got a brand new novel out right now that I can't wait to read. I think it's called "A thousand suns" or something like that. (My friend has my copy right now.) I read The Double Bind while she was reading the "suns" book and didn't really like it. He's one of my favorite authors, but I predicted the ending from almost the beginning of the book. Have you read anything else by him? Midwives, of course, is his best known, but I also really liked Transister Radio. I also liked Picoult's "The Tenth Circle" better than "My Sister's Keeper" and she has a brand new one out now as well called "Nineteen Seconds" I believe. I'm drawing a blank as to other authors--probably because I have a 3-year-old and am expecting my second. I haven't read many books in the last couple years!!! (Pretty sad, but true--I read mostly Dr. Seuss and Winnie-the-Pooh now!)