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Part 4 of my skit?

(Dumbledore found Ron near the lake, Ashley and Alyssa were there too.)

Ashley: Ron please stop acting like your in love with those butterflies.

Ron: I love the butterflies, I love the butterflies.

Alyssa: Ron please stop people think your crazy.

Ron: Why stop when I know that they love me.

Dumbledore: Hello Ron.

Ron: Hello Dumbleflie.

Dumbledore: Ashley, Alyssa could you two go and find Fred and George for me.

Alyssa: There working on a potion to make Ron stop.

Ashley: There almost done.

Dumbledore: Good meet me in my office but have Fred and George with you.

Ashley: OK

Alyssa: Please fix him.

(Ashley and Alyssa found Fred and George in Professor Malfoy's office working on a antidote for Ron.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think you should watch these animations if you haven't seen them yet.