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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I am looking for the title to a romance novel, please help?


I am looking for the title to a romance novel, please help?

I don't even remember the author, but I can give basic plot info. A woman named Diana from Elizabethan England puts on an old roman helmet in an antiques shop. It gets stuck on her wig and she is transported back to when the Romans occupied England. She meets some high up Roman official guy and he thinks she is a spy. After that it gets pretty basic with her falling in love with him and such. At some point she is returned to her own time and meets one of her fellow aristocrats who is probably the Roman officials reincarnated soul.

If you know what this book is please help. It has been bugging me for years that I can't remember.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is called "Enslaved" by Virginia Henley.