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Good Girl Gone Bad? Bad Girl Gone Badder? Or Just A Bad Painting?

I honestly can seldom tell, when I??m doing one of these surreal portraits, if it ??works?? as a painting or not. The ??moon?? matches her hair but isn??t consistent with the natural looking bricks. I like this ??moon?? but ... mix and match is sometimes a bit tricky to pull off. It??s a hell of a lot easier to do some stupid ??normal?? portrait than it is to play around with altering skin tones, etc.

Something is amiss with this Miss. So, what to do?

(She isn't really bad. She's just the intense type and she??s based on a photograph of an old girlfriend of mine.)

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2 weeks ago
Darbin, you might want to look through these other portraits I've done before suggesting that I try to 'do' Lichenstein art. I think I perfer 'doing' myself.

2 weeks ago
The other portraits:

1 week ago
1. There is nothing wrong with the perspective. This pose was taken directly from a photograph of an old girlfriend.

2. Her face is in the center of the painting for two reasons: The canvas is only twelve inches wide and the portrait is large. I couldn't move her to one side or the other without making her head and face much smaller.

3. What I figured out was that her lips are too 'pronounced' and I toned the color down somewhat. The 'moon' was too large and I made it smaller. And she simply had way too much hair and I painted some of it out.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Darbin, you might want to look through these other portraits I've done before suggesting that I try to 'do' Lichenstein art. I think I perfer 'doing' myself.