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A poem of Shame?

When I write a poem I write about the truth.

I didn??t know how to approach you
And I didn??t I know how to ask you for help.

I was afraid that you would call the cops
I afraid of the shame.
I wasn??t letting any one restrain me
Afraid that you would even try.
I try to bolt I tried and lied.

I new that I needed help I didn??t know how to cope.
The voice that were within told be to free.
I wanted to run I wanted to hide I just couldn??t stand,
The voices that were inside.

I dare not tell you, as you will have to tell
If I share will you my pain then I share my truth.

Those voices will not let you get close inside as
Laura is there to protect me from all of your shame.

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2 weeks ago
Is it Shame or Is it Truth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Is it Shame or Is it Truth?