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How can I make a living as a SINGER/GUITARIST?

I sing and play songs from the 70s, to today.., I go to open mic nites but I want to branch out to doing private parties, gigs, etc., to the point I have a pipe-line of bookings.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, if you live, sleep, eat and breathe music (as I bet you do), you might have to start doing some teaching to support yourself in the meantime. Students help keep you going (financially, emotionally, spiritually, and musically), and can be an invaluable resource and marketing tool.

Going to the open mic nites is a good start. Try to find bars, clubs, etc., who are in need of a permanent guitarist. If you find a club that already has one in its employ, then talk to them! They may need a replacement for when they take time off, or they may know of other clubs/venues that are in need of your services. Do whatever you can to get yourself in the middle of the musical community in the city where you live. Attend others' performances and talk to them afterwards -- make connections. They can bring you valuable information.

Advertise! No one will know you're out there unless you advertise. Try to get in on upcoming wedding shows (although June was a big month for that, you can still be on the lookout for them), take out an ad in the yellow pages. Make up some brochures/flyers and hand them out at local churches, reception halls and wedding chapels. Good luck! It's not easy, but I know regular people who've never had any other job in their entire life than playing the music they love -- it is possible. ...Just takes perseverance... :-)