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Part 2 of my skit?

Dumbledore: Whose there?

Snape: Professor Snape and Professor Trolornie.

Dumbledore: Enter.

Trolornie: AHHHHH!! The Dark Lord has come to claim my soul save me bubbles.

Snape: Don't call me that!

(Voldemort started laughing)

Dumbledore: I am not going to ask about your nickname Severus.

Snape: It's not a nickname! (snape said as his face turned red)

Trolornie: Yes it is I gave it too you.

Snape: I hate my life.

Dumbledore: Why is it that you two came to see me.

Trolornie: It's that Weasley boy, butterflies keep flowing him and he is putting them in my office.

Snape: He put them in my office too. I've tried everything that I know to get rid of them but they wont leave.

Voldemort: I must be going now I have an appointment with my psychiatrist.

Dumbledore: Well I hope it goes well. Bye Tom.

Voldemort: Bye have fun with the butterflies.

(Vodemort started laughing again as he was leaving.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow. You must have been really bored!