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Ballet Slippers?

I have a pair of split-sole canvas slippers and I was wondering if I should get other kinds.
Why Leather?
Why Canvas?
Why split-soled?
Why full soled?
What kind do you use and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love my leather split soled baby's. They've just always worked for me. Leather gives more support than canvas and split sole lets your feet move easier. Stick with your canvas ones though, there's no point in returning them now unless they are uncomfortable. Its really up to you and you're opinion, I've tried many kinds and landed on my favorite, but other people might completely disagree. Hopefully(unlike one of my dance studios) you're studio won't care what kind they are so its basically up to you. Try going to a dance store and trying the different kinds on and actually dancing in them. Ask for the people's opinion who work there also. Well, I hope this helped and best of luck!