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Good books to read aloud to 3,6,&8 year old?

We are going on vaca. and not taking a tv!! Any suggestions on great books that would hold a 8year old boy and a 3..almost 4 and 6 year old girl? We've read Charlie and Choc & Charlie and the Great Gass Elevator, Charlotte's Web, The Spiderwick series.... I think my oldest would love 'The Cay" and since we are at the beach..Maybe the Ramona the Pest Beverly Cleary series?? Whats new out there?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you should read the Fudge series by Judy Blume, starting with "Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing." It's great. I read it to my kids and they loved it. I still catch my son reading them and he's 14.

Another really great story is The Cricket in Times Square!