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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Treasure island by robert louis stevenson?


Treasure island by robert louis stevenson?

can you help me so i can decide wether or not i want to get the book? what i want to kno are:
1) whats the time and place of the events in the story?
2) who are the main characters in the story?who are the round flat and dynamic characters in the story if you can tell me that?
3) what happens in the the plot
4) what is the conflict in the story?
5) how is the conflict or problem solved?
6) what is the conclusion? other words how does the story end, and i dont care if it will ruin the story
7) whats your personal reaction to the book? and rate it from 1-10
thanxx in advance...and yu dont have to answer every single one but it sure would help

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