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Which woman helped shape the ANCIENT World?

I am doing a history assignment/seminar presentation and need to research about someone( i want to do a woman) who was a "shaker and shaper of the Acient World"

Any suggestions would be great. Possibly someone not cliche

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try
2000 BC or so: Deborah, a judge in Israel (my personal favorite)

or Queen Esther (also Biblical, as are a number of other interesting ancient ladies)

60-61: Boudica, a Celtic chieftain in Britain

Of course, there's always Cleopatra, whose affair with Caesar and Antony nearly brought down the Roman Empire, but you're right, she's too cliche.

And Helen of Troy, but her face did all the work, and she probably wasn't that good looking anyway, even if she actually did exist.

My favorite was my grandmother, who was a suffragette, but she really wasn't that ancient.

Good luck with the ladies!