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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> WHAT MANGAS DO YOU READ? or Anime?



What are some of your favorite mangas? Mine are Absolute Boyfriend, Meru Puri, Vampire Knight, La Corda d' oro, gentlemen's alliance, and godchild.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: omg!!! I'm a PHD freak!!!! Phantasy Degree is what it stands for, but it's probably not what you think it is here's a summery...Sang is a fearlessly spunky young girl in search of the Demon School Hades. Fortunately for her, she comes across a group of misfit monsters that are ditching class from the Demon school. She convinces them to sneak her into the class that normally only allows monsters to attend. Mystery, intrigue and high jinks unfold as Sang finds a way to become a monster--and begins a fantastic adventure in a devilish domain! and that's from the first manga!!!!....i also like iD_ENTITY its a story of a computer game that goes wrong and random people, well they don't die, but go into a concussion, and one boy tries to find out why!!!! these are so awesome!!!!! you should read them!!!!!