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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Honestly, do you think I can turn this poem into a good song?


Honestly, do you think I can turn this poem into a good song?

I made it with repeats so it miiiight work. Feedback?


In the nighttime the world is
A black and white photograph
Everything still and lovely

Alone, ducking under weeping willows
Their tears brush my shoulders
You are only a shout away, it seems
Only a shout away

Alone, walking beside a moonlit lake
Pale silver painted waves
You are only a shout away, it seems
Only a shout away

Alone, passing that old bench we sat on
Just a lifetime ago
You are only a shout away, it seems
Only a shout away

I shout
The silence and tranquility
You are gone and here I am

In the nighttime the world is
a black and white photograph
Everything still and lovely

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow. That was really lovely. I love your conclusion. Actually, I love the irony in your conclusion. This was pretty writing. I actually teared up reading it.

Well done.

Turn it into a song? Sure why not.