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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum fans, If you have read 12 Sharp, (I just finished


Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum fans, If you have read 12 Sharp, (I just finished it) Do you think...?

Do you think 12 books of sexual tension and build up between Steph and Ranger is too much? I am so frustrated with it. In each book the relationship evolves in micrometers. She needs to make up her mind! Vent vent vent! (by the way I think she'll end up with Ranger.)

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1 week ago
My reasons for thinking she'll end up with Ranger? Okay you asked...
He's obviously got it for her. It's not like he can't get someone else. He puts up with the fact that he can't have her unless she lets her guard down, but she keys to everything and he protects her. He's tolerant of the fact that she and Morelli are an item, yet when faced with all three of them spending the night he said he'd kill Joe if they had sex. He told Stephanie he was dessert-not the bottom of her food pyramid.

Ranger loves her. He is who he is and he won't ever be meat and potatoe Morelli be settled in at home for the football game and Friday nights at Mom and Dad. On one hand she thinks she wants Morelli's life, she was raised to want that... on the other hand she is a bounty hunter and she doesn't fit the burg mold. She can have a nice life with Ranger. He'd cherish her. He's waiting for Stephanie to love him for what he is and realize he's what she wants. (and end it with Morelli) Just my guess.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
My reasons for thinking she'll end up with Ranger? Okay you asked...
He's obviously got it for her. It's not like he can't get someone else. He puts up with the fact that he can't have her unless she lets her guard down, but she keys to everything and he protects her. He's tolerant of the fact that she and Morelli are an item, yet when faced with all three of them spending the night he said he'd kill Joe if they had sex. He told Stephanie he was dessert-not the bottom of her food pyramid.

Ranger loves her. He is who he is and he won't ever be meat and potatoe Morelli be settled in at home for the football game and Friday nights at Mom and Dad. On one hand she thinks she wants Morelli's life, she was raised to want that... on the other hand she is a bounty hunter and she doesn't fit the burg mold. She can have a nice life with Ranger. He'd cherish her. He's waiting for Stephanie to love him for what he is and realize he's what she wants. (and end it with Morelli) Just my guess.