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Is media a snake devouring itself in a perfect circle?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Media , nowadays , is a snake that is devouring you and me ... and all that come in its line..This is a terrifying thing .

From the deluge of advertising techniques the media ( or the barons controlling the media) have learnt the powerful tool they have on hand , to manipulate the billion minds. It is no longer "NEWS" but only their "VIEWS". By bombarding us with the views they have confused us with various views. There is a saying ( a poem) in India that says that when a craftsman carves an elephant out of wood, for the seers the wood is totally gone and only the elephant is seen. That the elephant is also wood receeds in the background and only the animal is pushed into the fore in our minds.

This is media now. How many Americans know about the world at alrge now? Very few I should should think. They will know Iraq, Palastine, afganisthan , Iran..... Saddam , Bin Laden....... . Is this all the world? Only evils? Only destruction? Only chaos? No. No. No.

So many great things are going around in the world. The rise of spiritualism , the human touch in disaster management, the fight over HIV , advances in many sciences.. simply people of the world......

No. media will take you and show you only the power of destruction and make to run for cover and safety.