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Harry Potter release parties?

Do you have to pre-order your Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book in order to go to the midnight release party. (e.g If you buy your book from Amazon can you go to the Barnes & Noble Party?) PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You don't have to pre-order in order to get a book... but is not affiliated with Barnes & Noble, because Borders and Amazon are partners. If you ordered your book on Amazon, you'll be getting it shipped to you on the 21st. You can still attend a midnight party without purchasing the book there.

For more in-depth information about the rules and regulations and contact numbers about your midnight-release party, go to and look up your midnight party.

There are contact numbers there, information about how much the book costs, what events will be happening in your area and what time the party starts. Hope you have a good time!