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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think that William Shakespeare was a homosexual in his time, during the R


Do you think that William Shakespeare was a homosexual in his time, during the Renaissance? If so, why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you think it really matters? All I know is that he was one of the wisest and most creative people of all time. He had a better grasp on the characteristics of human nature well before Freud was even born. His works have "meat" to them, something you can sink your brain into. Why is anyone else's sexual preference so important to others? Would you ban Shakespeare's writings from your school if you discovered that he was gay? Would you forbid your children to study his plays or sonnets?

I liked it better when I was young and some people were just "sissy" or "tomboy". We didn't think about the sexuality of our favorite movie stars, entertainers or writers.

I'm sorry if you're doing your doctoral dissertation on the subject or something. This is just one of my pet peeves.