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What to wear to an audition?

its a camp audition-- they have the directors from all the different shows in the same room and you sing your song for all of them and then you're done (minus callbacks). there are a lot of kids auditioning and i really don't want to be one of the many that they just forget about.

the song that i'm doing is mother earth's song from Once On This Island. i was going to wear green, but not all green. any thoughts?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: be yourself... don't try too hard, since there's going to be a lot of folks there, you would not want to stand out too badly, but express yourself as you normally might on a day to day basis. Be comfortable, wear sensible shoes, and HAVE FUN! Whatever you feel most like yourself in, is the right outfit (unless of course, there were some sort of guidelines given...) DO NOT be cheesey and try some sort of half-*** costume, of come off like you had a stage mom make something for you.. this is camp, I am sure no one would expect costumes... that would make you seem desperate and immature.