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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Are bass cords and an amp necessary, or could you use ones that you use with gui


Are bass cords and an amp necessary, or could you use ones that you use with guitar?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In amplification it is a good idea to have the correct equipment for the job. In the case of a bass guitar, is is definatly a better idea of get an amp that's designed for the bass. The bass obviously by it's nature produces lower frequency notes than the guitar, as such the amplifier, and the speaker need to be able to process the lower frequencies, and often an amp and speaker designed for a guitar is not able to handle the frequencies produced by a bass. The amp could over heat, distort the sound, and potentially blow out the speaker cone if you're not careful. In relation to the cords/cables, you can use the same cables on a guitar as you can on a bass.