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Why do people think Severus is evil when the killing curse has never moved someone when cast?

with all this hoopla over whether he's good or not, I would just like to remind everyone that most wizards and witches are able to cast spells without saying them out loud. is it not plausible that he cast a spell to make dumbledore appear dead so that malfoy wouldn't have to do it or be seen not doing it?

this is not a question for anyone who only watches the movies. the movie version of HP have misrepresented spells on several occasions in order to play up to the movie going crowd.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The killing curse moved Cedric Diggory in the book. Harry saw him lying spread-eagle on the ground. If Cedric hadn't been pushed or thrown backwards in some way, he would have been in a crumpled heap on the ground, not spread eagle.

And non-verbal magic is used when dueling, in order to mask your intentions from someone who is able to defend himself... Dumbledore and Voldemort's duel, for example, has a lot of non-verbal magic. Some have suggested that the unforgivable curses aren't able to be done non-verbally.

I think the best examples of Snape being against Voldemort are:

1. Taking the Unbreakable Vow behind Voldemort's back - a loyal Death Eater wouldn't have taken the Vow
2. Not kidnapping Harry while Snape was on his way back to Voldemort. - Voldemort wants to kill Harry, yes, but why would he be upset if someone delivered Harry into his hands?
3. Not taunting Harry or being his usual snarky self as Harry accused him of being a murderer. - Snape would have made comments like "Dumbledore was a fool" or "You will die soon, Potter!"... instead, Snape instructs Harry about how important nonverbal magic and Occlumency are while dueling

So, I don't think he's evil, but not for the reason of the Avada Kedavra curse working in a certain way.